We all know that a vegetarian diet includes fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, pulses and nuts.

Did you know there is more than one type of vegetarian diet?

  These are the general categories of Vegetarians

Vegans – do not consume any animal products at all, not even foods made using animal    by-products. (many of whom do not use any product which has come from animals for examples clothes, drugs or even cosmetics that have been tested on animals.)

Lacto vegetarians – avoid meat and eggs but do consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir.
                                       Image result for lacto vegetarian       

Ovo Vegetarians – avoid meat but consume eggs.

                                                   Image result for ovo vegetarian

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians – avoid all animal flesh, but consume eggs along with dairy products.

                                             Image result for lacto-ovo vegetarian diet


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